10 million+

Fraud transactions identified

Value of transactions to date

$1.89 billion

1.13 million

Transactions processed so far


Clients and counting


Cities with our clientele

Businesses Need More Than Better Bookkeeping

Many medium and small businesses have great services and goods to offer, but fail at managing their books and finances.

They lack the know-how and expert guidance their business needs, to document, allocate and manage cashflow, funding and taxes. 

Each fiscal year or quarter, they struggle to reconcile accounts singlehandedly and manually. 

Manual accounting and reconciliation can lead to mistakes, gaps and penalties - all of which could be avoided with multi-pronged expert help. 

They don’t have access to the overall numbers of their business regularly - leading to un-informed business choices.


Skilled Domain Experts

Different Industries | Accounting | Business Growth | Taxation | Legal | Compliance

Streamlined Service

Our processes are designed to make accounting easy and hassle-free.

Analytics at a Glance

Get any business report you need - on your mobile and in real time.

Get reporting and compliance assistance to make better business decisions

Increased Business Productivity

Money Management Maximised

Identify where your cashflow goes, and improve it with expert domain guidance.

Your business’ data, documentation, accounting and management is safe, secure and confidential.

Data Management & Security


Access our services anytime, anywhere through our mobile app. No more waiting for traditional business hours - we make it easy for you by providing support right at your fingertips.


From onboarding to data management to bookkeeping solutions and more, we have standardised processes that make business bookkeeping hassle free

An App to capture data easily and efficiently

Eliminates the need to physically handle documents

Dedicated client support to digitise data & update clients

Data is made available to clients on demand

Data Validation by Domain Experts

Your account is handled by someone with expertise in your sector

Digital Dashboard with regular updates

Analytics are made available regularly, helping you steer your business better